Exhortation: The Humanity of the Ascension

Where is Jesus now? The Ascension answers that question. We know that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. He is ruling and reigning from his heavenly throne. He has given the Father the kingdom, and now he is preserving, progressing, and perfecting his kingdom. He is bringing all things under subjection.

We know that when he was raised from the dead, Jesus was raised bodily. But gnostic thinking would like us to assume that since Jesus is in heaven now he longer needs a physical body. But the same Father who raised Jesus physically, also has his Son sitting beside him in a physical body.  As one author observed:

Jesus has gone before us in a way we may follow through the Holy Spirit whom he has sent, because the way is in his flesh, in his humanity.[1]

Our Lord is in his incarnation body at the right hand of the Father. This has all sorts of implications for us in worship. We are worshipping a God/Man; one who descended in human flesh and who ascended in human flesh. He is not a disembodied spirit. He is truly God and truly man.

As we come into worship, remember that you are worshiping the One who understands your needs, because he has a body just like you; he understands your joy because he has a body just like you. And so he calls us to worship him in spirit, but also with our bodies. So, let us spiritually and physically ascend to the heavenly city.

About Uri Brito

I am the Pastor of Providence Church (CREC) in Pensacola, Fl.
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