A Confession

Yes, I admit it! I am a Postmillenialist. I have been for over 2 years. There is a lot of story behind why I became a postmillenialist, but this is not what I am concerned about here. I am concerned about the majority of the Amillennial population, specifically in the PCA. It appears that to be associated with Postmillennialism today is to be automatically associated with the so-called “Radical Theonomists.” Well, perhaps “Theonomy” will be part of another confessional blog. So in order to not associate themselves with Postmillennialism they carry on their lectures speaking of the grand accomplishments of the gospel in the world both geographically and spiritual in this age, but yet maintain the label of Amillennialism.

Perhaps, some are not aware of strong Postmillennialists such as Ian Murray, Keith Matthison, or R.C. Sproul who are not theonomic in their outlook. The misunderstanding comes in defining Postmillennial eschatology. This misunderstanding stems from the erroneous association of modern Postmillennial thought with the eschatology of the Puritans. The Puritans were also Postmillennial in their view, but they took the 1,000 years of Revelation 20 as a literal reference. Whereas, current Postmillennial eschatology held by Gary Demar and Ken Gentry see the thousand years as symbolic of a fructiferous age in Christendom.

In Postmillennialism, sin will not be eradicated, people will continue to die and –believe it or not– Jews will still be saved by gospel. Ok, now that we know what it isn’t, can we take a step of faith?

The reason this is becoming such an issue to me is that this week alone I have talked to a prominent PCA minister and a prominent theologian in the PCA who are committed to an optimistic view of the church but continue to wave their Amillennial banners. I think they need to re-evaluate their labels and renounce their traditional flag and embrace a new one. Well, at least that’s what I think.

About Uri Brito

I am the Pastor of Providence Church (CREC) in Pensacola, Fl.
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3 Responses to A Confession

  1. And you need to read what Richard Gaffin wrote in Theonomy: A Reformed Critique đŸ™‚

  2. U.T. Brito says:

    I already did. Is this is the only source Amillenialists have? Give me a break.

  3. Pingback: The Only Eschatology of Hope « Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

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